About Der Markt Food Store
Our story begins in 1960 when Glen Calhoun moved his family to Red River from Fort Worth Texas and began his lifelong love affair with Red River. Glen was in the grocery business in Texas and it was his plan to continue that work in Red River. He began with a small store called Glen’s Superette that he built on High street, where Erik’s Workshop is located today. In 1964 Johnny’s Store, owned and operated summers only by Johnny and Rosemary (Rosie) Brandenburg was purchased by Ted Calhoun. He and his first wife Beth and three sons, Michael, Brian and Matt lived behind the store, called Red River Grocery, and operated it year-round until the winter of 1969. It was then that Glen and son Ted closed their stores and together purchased the land where Der Markt stands today. Construction began in the early spring and Der Markt opened its doors in June of 1970. It has undergone many changes over the years including a major expansion in 1979 adding 33 percent to the original size. It might be of interest to note that Der Markt was carpeted when it was new and fifty years later, we have come back to that. While continually keeping pace with innovations and technology, the Calhouns, along with their amazing staff, stand ready to offer the resort visitor everything they need for an enjoyable stay in the mountains.
In 1993 Ted married Linda Lyles and her two kids, Katie and Nathan. Our five children, all born and raised in Red River, are involved in the business community of Red River, owning Roadrunner RV Resort, Red River Brewery and Distillery and Go Kart City. Linda continues to operate Calhoun Real Estate, a business that Glen founded in 1962 and Main Street Mercantile, both located next to Der Markt.

Okay, so where did the name come from you ask. It was 1969-70, the ski area was in its tenth year and the town was in the early stages of trying to develop an alpine flavor. Toni and Ilse Woerndle had just recently purchased the SEB Motel and created the Alpine Lodge. The Eisenhut and Edelweiss condos were new. It seemed like a good idea at the time to name the new store Der Markt, German for the market. Red River did not continue the move toward the alpine look but rather just naturally became the western cowboy themed town that it is. We have resisted the temptation through the years to rename it and because few can pronounce it or spell it correctly, have grown kind of fond of being called the Deer Market or just the Der.